
Articulating Visibility of Positive Impact Initiatives

Articulating Visibility of Positive Impact Initiatives


GCash is one of the leading FinTech solutions in the Philippines, a micropayment service that transforms the mobile phone into a virtual wallet. The company boasts over 81 million active users and hosts dozens of programs and actions promoting positive impact.

Additionally, GCash operates as a solution under Mynt, a leading company in mobile financial services focused on accelerating financial inclusion through mobile money, financial services, and technology.

As a company involved in generating positive impact addressing the climate crisis and social inequality, GCash has numerous initiatives integrating this principle into its business and customer relationships.

However, they face the challenge of aligning and articulating these actions in a single digital space, making them more visible and actionable for users and stakeholders.


The Overview Effect emphasizes the value of its measurement and transparency services, enabling companies and their clients to make better decisions that positively impact the planet. They design a web space based on the principles of Impact page Low-carbon design.

The designed space ensures accessible and easily understandable information while encouraging interaction with the audience, enhancing trust and positioning values. It is tailored to sector needs with precise, truthful, and transparent information capable of attracting new relationships within the investor community.

Special focus is placed on their GForest initiative, a reforestation project in the Philippines supporting local communities. This space brings positive impact closer to different audiences, primarily investors and GCash users, under the slogan: "For every virtual tree planted in GForest, a real tree is planted in your name at associated reforestation sites."

The benefits of communication and the process

1. Low carbon design

It is essential to maintain coherence between what is said and done. When communicating about the positive impact GCash is generating on the planet and Filipino society, we decided to use a design that aims to minimize greenhouse gas emissions and carbon footprint.

A design that addresses the challenge and needs of the client, aligning with their own identity and achieving environmentally friendly practices.

2. Transversality and New Conversations

The attempt to communicate and bring together different areas into the same conversation to have a consolidated and rigorous message.

3. Communication as a Source of Inspiration and Aspiration

The opportunity to communicate allowed the GCash team to gain a broader vision of the impact to be achieved alongside The Overview Effect, intertwining positive impact generation and business value hand in hand.

Articulating Visibility of Positive Impact Initiatives

“Working with The Overview Effect has been a highly positive experience. Their expertise in the field is truly impressive and has been instrumental in the success of our project. Their team has consistently provided valuable insights and guidance, significantly contributing to our project's progress.”
Area Vice President Sustainability at GCash
Articulating Visibility of Positive Impact Initiatives

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