We connect global challenges with business models.

In our mission to create a positive impact, we help companies innovate and launch business models that generate economic, social and environmental value simultaneously.

The Overview Effect - Services

Our services.

We provide support throughout the entire training and integration process for positive impact in the organizational culture, design of strategies and action plans, identification and development of new products and services, and measurement and analysis of impact.

New business models with positive impact

If we place positive impact as the axis of value generation in a new business model, the more revenue grows, the more its impact will grow.

We create innovative products and services that redefine and expand your offer in the market, thus enhancing your ability to generate revenue and generate positive impact. We achieve this through internal innovation processes, where we develop customized products, and open innovation models, in which we identify impact companies in which to invest.

Culture of Impact.

Although a company's culture is invisible, its impact can be seen and felt.

Through training, events and incentive design, we integrate sustainability into the day-to-day of your organization and people, aligning it with your impact strategy. This approach strengthens the pride of belonging and retains key talent on your team.

Impact Strategy.

The essence of strategy is choosing what to do, but more importantly what not to do, setting company priorities and drawing up a clear roadmap.

We put the impact-business binomial at the centre and develop strategies to transform your company towards impact. We offer you unexplored paths, innovative and executable ways to solve your social and environmental challenges by setting priorities and establishing short- and long-term commitments.

Measurement and Transparency

To boost impact, it is necessary to define and monitor relevant indicators and, in addition, to transfer them in a solid manner to all stakeholders.

We help you collect and interpret all the data to evaluate the impact generated by your company or a particular product or service, communicating it in a solid and attractive way and avoiding greenwashing.

We focus on high-activity sectors to maximize our impact.

Icon Food
Icon Mission Retail
Icon Mission Retail
We created our own methodology aimed at solving the most urgent challenges of our planet by addressing four missions.

Each one is led by experts from each sector who connect knowledge of the negative and positive impacts of the sector with the regulatory reality, consumer trends and different spaces of opportunity to work according to your needs.
Icon Food

Equitable and regenerative food system

Implementing new solutions in the food sector could offset up to a third of global emissions, as the sector is responsible for approximately a third of the total.

Ensuring the future of the food sector is one of the greatest systemic challenges we face. Although the regulatory framework drives new trends that increase costs, they also serve to generate new opportunities.

The food market as a whole is growing, very much in line with population growth, and this is where consumer demands for social and environmental sustainability in their purchases flourish.

Traceability and transparency

Regenerative production

Ethical value chain

Food waste

Icon Mission Retail

New circular and fair models in the textile sector

Currently, 87% of annual textile waste ends up in landfills, which represents a considerable amount of waste.

The textile sector has the potential to drastically reduce this amount of waste, while generating economic income.

The regulatory framework establishes better conditions of durability, making products repairable and recyclable. In addition, it requires transparency and traceability throughout the value chain.

Circular and fair business models represent a clear business opportunity in the textile sector. New consumers are emerging who are willing to pay more for sustainable products.

Circular and fair design

Traceability and transparency

Circular end of life

Icon Economic Care

Finance for inclusion and social impact

Growth is not sustainable if it is not inclusive. Financial inclusion is a key enabler to reduce poverty and promote shared prosperity.

More than 1.4 billion adults do not have a bank account, mainly due to a lack of money, the remoteness of financial institutions and insufficient documentation.

Meanwhile, 85% of investors show greater interest in sustainable investments, especially among younger generations, marking a shift towards preferences for companies and financial products with social and environmental impact.

Sustainable Finance

Digital financial services

Technological innovation

Inclusion and financial education

Icon Energy

Fair energy system for people and territories

The unstoppable energy transition we are experiencing has the opportunity to position itself as a new inclusive and regenerative model for both people and territories.

It is crucial to avoid the more than 7 million premature deaths annually associated with air pollution, largely caused by the burning of fossil fuels.

The energy sector is in full transition with the massive deployment of renewable energy generation to achieve the EU emissions reduction target of at least 55% by 2030.

Services to promote the adoption of renewable energy

Inclusive and regenerative renewable development in the territory

Affordable solutions for energy efficiency


Because it is necessary to add actions to long-term strategies.


Through positive impact innovation.


Devising, designing and launching products and services that have a positive impact and create value for businesses.
Do you want to know the value we can bring to your company through positive impact innovation?