
Learning and Development: The Answer to the Shortage of Profiles for an Ecological and Social Equity Transition

A solid organizational culture and continuous updating in various disciplines are fundamental pillars in the formation of high-performance teams, which can drive the success of a company in a competitive and constantly evolving environment.
Carmen Bueno
Carmen Bueno
People & Culture
Learning and Development: The Answer to the Shortage of Profiles for an Ecological and Social Equity Transition
  • 94% of companies claim to lack the necessary talent to achieve their goals of ecological transition and social equity.
  • The culture of an organization and the constant updating of disciplines form high-performance teams.

Regardless of the sector in which a company operates, it is almost certain that none have managed to avoid the important need to include sustainability actions in their strategic and budgetary plans. Many leaders are beginning to implement these strategies due to increasingly strict regulations, while others do so out of their commitment to the planet and their customers.

The Overview Effect will provide you with hundreds of reasons and solutions to generate a positive impact in your sector, meet the new demands of consumers, and identify economic opportunities. Undoubtedly, there is another crucial variable: attracting and retaining talent to face the climate and social challenges within your organization.

But how to achieve this when 94% of companies claim to lack the necessary talent to achieve their goals of ecological transition and it is expected that the employee turnover rate will be between 50 and 75% higher than what companies have experienced so far? The solution is simpler than it seems and lies in training. Offering learning opportunities is the #1 retention strategy and the main way to create a high-performance team with skills that fit the needs of your company. Is it strictly necessary to create training from scratch? Spoiler Alert! NO. We go back to the end of the 18th century to apply the law of conservation of mass: "matter is neither created nor destroyed, it only transforms."

That's what we do at The Overview Effect, our liquid organization seeks to provide agile answers to a constantly evolving world, developing an adaptive capacity that allows adjusting structures and roles flexibly to thrive in an environment of continuous change. We turn our team into a highly efficient group that generates maximum positive impact on organizations, the planet, and society.

We have experts in various sustainability topics such as decarbonization, circular economy, social equity, and biodiversity, as well as engineers and designers skilled in creating products and services that generate a positive impact. A group of people specialized in different disciplines who combine their knowledge to challenge the current system. And where the challenge lies in continuing to improve their current skills while developing new ones that provide them with cross-cutting knowledge.

How do we reinforce skills and develop new ones that focus on the needs of our company and our clients?

  • Training days on different topics that help align a multidisciplinary team on numerous sectoral problems, technological trends, and innovation. We value cross-cutting knowledge in all areas rather than the vertical knowledge of a single specialty.
  • Critical thinking and productivity are encouraged, with the aim of generating social and environmental impact while creating business value.
  • We prioritize the Impact - Business binomial as a differentiating value.
  • We take advantage of internal experience and also reinforce knowledge with external expert personnel.
  • Individual training is financially supported, and self-development is promoted.

Time is invested in planning and selecting training topics, as well as in their execution and implementation. Remember that this investment will provide the necessary talent to achieve the goals of ecological transition.

These trainings are part of a company's culture and, although the culture of an organization is invisible, its effect can be seen, felt, and materialized in the work done. The Overview Effect can help you integrate solutions like those we promote internally to reinforce the thinking and daily actions of all the people in your company, accelerating the momentum of your strategy, fostering a sense of belonging, and retaining talent.

Here we immortalize a very rich training we had on Business Models: last week all the planets aligned to conduct this 7-hour training with three expert colleagues from the business team. This is how we develop our people in different disciplines.