Hijos de Rivera

Placing positive impact at the heart of the company's culture.

Placing positive impact at the heart of the company's culture.


Positive impact is one of Hijos de Rivera's strategic priorities and it already has a positive impact strategy integrated into its different business units. Despite these major advances, the company was seeking to overcome a number of challenges to make positive impact part of its corporate culture:

  • Extend the impact to all the people and areas in the company, not only the sustainability areas.
  • Share the organisation's commitment with people and spotlight the strategy and progress made.
  • Train all people to have an understanding and training in sustainability and positive impact.


We designed and implemented a comprehensive positive impact experiential training program to raise everyone and every area’s awareness regarding the immense challenges sustainability implies, both socially and environmentally.

Alongside these experiences, the protagonists of many of the impact initiatives undertaken in the company are given a voice to boost internal communication, increase pride in belonging, and encourage employees to embed positive impact into their daily lives.

We integrate all people, areas and levels of responsibility.

Hijos de Rivera has almost 1,500 employees spread across different markets and locations, so one of the main challenges was the call to experience the IMPACTA programme.

The programme kick-off brought together almost 300 people in La Coruña for 3 consecutive days. We designed the programme with content blocks and experiences adapted to all people and knowledge levels and we designed the groups whereby people’s attendance at these sessions did not have a critical impact on the company's activity. With the participation of people in one day, we managed to instil the impact concept in the minds of all the company's employees.

Following this in-person launch, we continued to take the impact culture programme to other areas of the company in briefer formats and through digital platforms enabling us to reach more people in the company.

Placing positive impact at the heart of the company's culture.

We created an impact festival, not a training programme.

We took our inspiration from festivals and immersive technologies to create a differential experience that went far beyond a training programme. We had a central training stage featuring experts in positive impact, social entrepreneurs, scientific forerunners and business leaders from different companies.

Off the main stage we built different stands with interactive experiences and technology to convey concepts concerning climate change, circular economy or gender equality.

In these activities, through virtual reality, participants were able to experience: The degradation of ecosystems caused by the company's activity; the true magnitude of the waste generated by the company; and awareness of product sustainability by competing in an escape room. Lastly, they experienced aspects associated with diversity and equal opportunities through a ladder exercise.

We managed to make impact a hands-on concept rather than just hearing about it, a success for the project's goals.

A programme with content adapted to the challenges facing the company.

The company’s culture and essence are closely linked to its great craft spirit and non-conformist nature that acknowledges imperfection and every day strives to do things better. Hence, the content and experiences proposed in this programme share this same essence, which turned out to be the leitmotif of all the conference talks and sessions.

The programme’s main contents and subject matter focused on the sustainability challenges existing in the company's value chain and the priorities of the 4 cornerstones in its impact strategy: Origin, People, Planet and Partners.

With this strategic framework, we anchored understanding and key concepts in areas such as climate change, biodiversity, circular economy or diversity and gender equality.

After these contents, it became clear that positive impact is a value driver for the company's business model.

Placing positive impact at the heart of the company's culture.

Do you want to know the value we can bring to your company through positive impact innovation?